What do rich men want?
If your answer is sex, you are right in one respect. Yes, all men want sex. But sex flows freely to a man with money. If your body is your only card on the table, you haven’t got much to offer. When he’s tired of the sex with you, he’ll be moving on.
Don’t be naive and think that you’re good in bed and that will hold him. No matter how good you are, some other woman can be just as satisfying, just as inventive and men get bored with the same woman over and over again. There’s a term that men use called “strange sex.” It’s doesn’t mean that the sex is strange, it’s sex with a stranger that’s exciting.
No matter how many times he tells you that it is the best sex he ever had, eventually he will get the urge to move on.
“For every beautiful woman there is some guy who is tired of fucking her.”
-Eddie Murphy
Qualities Men Want in Their Woman
So what keeps a man’s attention? Well, every man has a different wish list. But the more qualities you have, the more likely you are to attract the right guy and be able to hold his attention.
1. Beauty
Don’t think you only need to be beautiful in order to get a rich man. Attracting a guy with your looks is only half the challenge. If you don’t have the other qualities that he’s looking for, well, he’ll look, sample, and walk away. Besides, beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as anyone knows who has been dumped by a guy only to find that he is dating someone less attractive.
Some men like their women skinny with large breasts, others like their women round with big hips. Some men like athletic bodies that are hard and muscled while others like soft, squishy flesh. For every size woman, there is a man who likes her just the way she is.
However, you are more likely to catch a man if your body type is more towards the norm. Try to stay within normal weight limits, give or take a few pounds. Being physically fit is most important.
If you need to lose some weight or get in shape, sign up for a gym membership and use it! If you can’t afford it, there is always the pavement. Hit it every day whether you’re walking or running.
Make sure your skin is clear. See a dermatologist if you need to clear up acne or other skin problems. Be sure your pores are clean. If you can’t afford a salon facial, do it yourself.
Don’t overly tan yourself and avoid uneven skin color. If you have sunspots, they can easily be treated by liquid nitrogen at your dermatologist or by topical preparations from the drugstore.
2. Have a sweet personality
Having a sweet personality does not mean that you are a pushover. It means that you have a smile that surfaces easily; you don’t let a lot of things bother you; you genuinely like people and respond to them kindly. Being sweet means being compassionate towards others, staying open to different viewpoints without being harshly opinionated, and staying pleasant when everyone else is losing his temper. Sounds impossible, doesn’t it? But that’s what men want.
But doesn’t it seem like it’s the bitches who are getting the men? Getting them maybe. Keeping them is another story.
A woman who is strong in her sense of self, not critical of others, and forgiving when things go wrong, is an asset. Look around you. Watch and see whom others admire. Ask yourself why they are admired and then copy those traits.
3. Be able to hold a conversation about things of interest to him
In order to carry on an interesting conversation, you must have interesting ideas in your head. You need to read books and not just fiction. You need to be able to hold up your end of the conversation or at least be knowledgeable about a variety of topics. You will find that common people talk about other people. The upper class talk about ideas, politics, and current events.
Of course, most people also indulge in gossip at some point or another, but you should not. It looks shallow, small minded, and petty. Nothing cools a connection faster than a woman who has nothing to say except gossip. Can you talk about more things than what Brittney Spears or Paris Hilton did last night? If you don’t read the newspaper or the news online, start. If you don’t subscribe to a national magazine, like Newsweek or Time Magazine, get it now. If you can’t afford it, read it at the library.
You need to be aware of national issues, politics, current affairs, and other topics of interest. Reading People Magazine does not count.
4. Know how to cook
You may think this is not serious since wealthy people eat out frequently. But it is on the wish list of many bachelors. They want to be able to stay home and have a home cooked meal. They want their wives to be able to cook for friends and business associates. They want traditional holiday meals with all the trimmings. Ordering in or going out to dinner gets tiring after a while and a man wants to be able to enjoy his own home.
If you can’t cook, get yourself a beginner cookbook, or take a class and learn. There’s no excuse for not knowing how to use an oven.
5. Have the ability to get along with his family and friends.
Do you like people? Are you able to get along with different kinds of people? Can you walk into a room full of strangers and find something of interest to talk about? If you can not do these things, learn. Read the book by Dale Carnegie, “How to Win Friends and Influence People.” It’s a great way to learn how to get along with others, even if you don’t think alike.
Getting along with people is an important trait if you are planning on dating rich men. Why? Because so much of what they do involves people. Most men do not become successful on their own. They have a huge support system of friends, business associates, employees, and family members that are a major part of their lives.
If you can’t get along with them, you will be seen as a drag on his life rather than an asset. If you are friendly and easily get a long with a variety of people, he will be drawn to you.
6. Take an interest in his hobbies.
Men love their hobbies whether it’s basketball, fishing, skydiving or playing video games, and they want you to love what they love. There is an instant disconnect when a man is talking about his favorite team and he hears, “I hate football,” from the woman. If you don’t like sports, learn to like them. Learn how the major games of basketball, football and baseball are played and who the important players are.
When the conversation turns to sports, be able to contribute to the topic at hand instead of sitting on the sidelines.
Every man says he wants a woman with a sense of humor, but what exactly does that mean? It means he wants you to laugh at his silly jokes, even when it’s the 50th time he’s told it. He wants you to think it’s funny when he gets drunk, and he wants you to laugh it off when he says something stupid to your mother.
You’ll know when you missed his sense of humor when he says, “Lighten up. I was only being funny.”
8. Patience and tolerance
If you are not a patient person, don’t think about dating wealthy men. Successful men usually put themselves first, their business second and their women third. You might come first for a few weeks, but after a while… If you don’t believe this, you’re in for a big disappointment. If he’s late for your dates, forgets a special occasion, doesn’t take your call immediately, or breaks an appointment with you to do something else, it’s all part of being in a rich man’s life.
You will also need to tolerate phone calls that interrupt your romantic times, your vacations, your dinners and your sex life. Wealthy men usually have several things going on in their lives at one time. If you can not tolerate his obnoxious business associate who hustles you, his neighbor who calls you a gold digger, his ex wife who snubs you or his dog who slobbers all over you, then you are not the kind of person who should consider dating wealthy men.
If rich is what you want, make patience your middle name.
9. An ability to socialize
Social events are a staple in a rich man’s world. Be it charity events, business dinners, or relaxing with friends, you will be expected to socialize with people of different ages and backgrounds than you. Not only must you have the gift of delightful conversation and the ability to put strangers at ease, your manners must be impeccable.
If you’re not sure about your manners, get an updated etiquette book and read it from cover to cover. Some good ones are: Emily Post’s Etiquette, 17th Edition by Peggy Post or Etiquette For Dummies by Sue Fox
10. An appreciation of his time and generosity
No matter what he does for you, be grateful. The smallest gesture should be noticed and appreciated. One of the biggest mistakes you can make is expecting a lot, but appreciating little.
11. A willingness to try new things
A healthy attitude for life is necessary when dating rich men. You must be willing to try new foods, go to new countries, meet people of different cultures and learn other languages. A love of learning is necessary to keep your mind fresh and him interested. If that sounds like a lot, understand that wealthy men can have almost any woman they want. If he wants you to learn to sail or sky dive, you should be ready and willing.
A healthy attitude for life is necessary when dating rich men. You must be willing to try new foods, go to new countries, meet people of different cultures and learn other languages. A love of learning is necessary to keep your mind fresh and him interested. If that sounds like a lot, understand that wealthy men can have almost any woman they want. If he wants you to learn to sail or sky dive, you should be ready and willing.
You need to be able to stand out from the crowd. You want your rich bachelor to not only notice you and ask you out, but you want him to be interested enough to keep you around for a long time.